Lake Oswego has joined the State of Oregon's full-service e-permitting system. You can now apply for permits, check the status of your permits, and schedule inspections online.
Homeowners (non-contractors) may apply for permits online. See the attached link for instructions or email the application packet and supporting plans and engineering if required to permits@lakeoswego.city for processing. We will still accept applications at the counter from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM, please note No NSFR or new commercial structural applications accepted after 11:30 a.m. No appointment required. However, the plans and engineering should be provided electronically as a pdf.
Licensed contractors can access many City of Lake Oswego permitting services anytime online.
The full-service e-permitting system is accessible 24/7 and includes these features:
- Apply for new construction building permits for both Commercial and Residential projects
- Apply for trades permits: Electric, Plumbing & Mechanical
- Submit electronic plans for review
- Verify the status of your permit online
- Print your permit
- Receive correction notices via email
- Receive your Inspection Reports and Certificate of Occupancy via email
- Search for permits Online
- Schedule Inspections Online or call 1-888-299-2821. Please see attached IVR codes.
Our administrative staff are always here to help and we look forward to serving you with any questions or concerns. You may reach us via email at permits@lakeoswego.city.
Apply for a permit online by clicking on the link & following the steps
Inspections can be scheduled online, by phone, or new texting option
Scheduling Inspections Online
You can now schedule inspections online go to https://aca-oregon.accela.com/oregon/
You can check the status of your permits online at http://aca-oregon.accela.com/oregon/. Tips for searching the system are included as an attachment below.