2024 City Council Goals

Ensure a safe, secure, and prepared community 

Council Initiatives

  • Continue implementation of the process to increase preparedness of Lake Oswego residents, especially seniors and people with disabilities, in event of a disaster.*

Support business investment and job creation in Lake Oswego

Council Initiatives 

  • Break ground on the North Anchor Redevelopment projects.* 
  • Update the Lake Grove Urban Renewal Plan and begin work on a plan to use urban renewal to support the redevelopment of Foothills.*
  • Implement the initiatives in the 2022 Economic Development Strategy.*
  • Develop a funding strategy for a longer-term contract with the Chamber of Commerce to implement a portion of the 2022 Economic Development Strategy.  Evaluate the possibility of the business license fee as funding option.

Foster a welcoming and inclusive community where all people have the opportunity to thrive and have equitable access to City Services

Council Initiatives

  • Continue efforts related to DEI, including: prioritize equity in the delivery of city services; formalize a translation and interpretation policy; explore a partnership with LOSD to host an annual event welcoming new residents to the city; and provide information on how to engage and ways to access services and programs.* 


Combat climate change and strengthen the community’s resilience to climate impacts

Council Initiatives

  • Adopt a facilities policy and fleet policy that integrates climate and sustainability.  Integrate climate goals and issues into the capital improvement plan.
  • Develop strategies to increase clean energy use and efficiency decisions by residents and businesses.
  • Adopt an updated Urban and Community Forest Plan.  Begin implementation of any non-regulatory elements in the plan.  Start the process for targeted amendments to the Tree Code after adoption of the Plan.*


Strengthen public trust in the City through continuous improvement, outstanding customer service, infrastructure investments, and fiscal stewardship

Council Initiatives

  • Collaborate with the City of Portland to make a financially and environmentally responsible long-term investment in a wastewater treatment plant.*
  • Develop a strategy for an all-ages and all-activities community center on the west side of town that would include event and meeting spaces, public services, and may include library services.  Collaborate with LOSD and other stakeholders as part of this project.
  • Begin a needs assessment and community engagement process to rebuild the South Shore Fire Station. 
  • Conduct a long-term strategic review of the City's finances, including revenues, expenditures, and capital funding.*


Invest in Lake Oswego’s high-quality parks, natural areas, and recreational amenities

Council Initiatives

  • Guide delivery of the LORAC and Golf Course and oversee the launch of operations of these facilities.* 
  • Adopt Parks Plan 2040.* 
  • Prioritize and adopt a funding strategy for partially funded parks projects. 


Improve transportation connections, mobility and safety for all travelers and all types of trips in Lake Oswego

Council Initiatives

  • Continue construction of sidewalks and pathways, focusing on safe routes to schools.* 
  • Adopt the "20 is plenty" speed program for residential/local streets.


Conserve the community’s character, sense of place, and quality of life by planning for change and growth

Council Initiatives

  • Continue work on key housing initiatives, the housing production strategy, guiding the HACC/Metro project on Boones Ferry Road, and support for other non-profit led housing projects.*

​*an asterisk indicates Council initiatives continuing from last year