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Neighbors Working Together - PrepLO
From quick-striking massive mudslides to slow-onset drought, natural disasters impact the lives of millions of people around the world. Each year the United States experiences several major natural disasters including tornados in the mid-west and southeast, mudflow and landslides in the Pacific Northwest, and cold waves in the eastern U.S. All of these events serve as an important reminder that disasters can strike anytime, anywhere - and that being prepared is one of the most effective things we can do to protect our homes, businesses and loved ones.
Who are you relying on?
You may need to survive on your own after an emergency. This means having your own food, water and other supplies. Local officials will be on the scene after a disaster but, after a significant event such as the predicted Cascadia Subduction Zone earth, they cannot reach everyone immediately. You could get help in hours or it might take days. It is recommended that individuals be prepared for a minimum of two weeks (an increase from the previous standard of 72 hours).
In a disaster, your neighbors are your closest source of help.
When people come together - meet their neighbors, volunteer, communicate - they can help each other. They can serve as watchdog, pet sitter, handyman, visiting nurse. Neighbors know each other’s names and their contact information. There really is strength in numbers. Organized neighborhoods, research shows, are less vulnerable to crime and more resilient when disaster strikes.
The City of Lake Oswego encourages neighbors to connect so they can work together to prepare for and respond to major storms, earthquakes and other emergencies.
PrepLO is a group organized by the Neighborhood Association chairs to spread emergency preparedness into Lake Oswego neighborhoods. They work closely with the city to coordinate planning at all levels: national, state, county, city, neighborhoods and individual households. Learn about your place in this overall effort to create a safe and secure community, visit PrepLO at http://www.preplo.org.
Visit PrepLO and learn:
- Why you should prepare.
- How to prepare for yourself and your family.
- How to connect and work with your neighborhood.
The city has a long-standing partnership with its neighborhood associations. Neighborhood associations provide an officially recognized channel for citizen participation in Lake Oswego.
Twenty-four formally recognized neighborhood associations offer an opportunity for citizens to participate in decision-making in the geographic area in which they live. Participation in a neighborhood association is voluntary and open to all who live in or own property or a business within the neighborhood's boundary.
To see a neighborhood association map and for contact information for each association, go to www.ci.oswego.or.us/planning/neighborhood-associations.