Programs and Initiatives

The City Manager’s Office houses the Public Information Office, Records Management, and Sustainability and Emergency Planning & Management, and redevelopment programs. In addition to administrative responsibilities, staff in the City Manager's Office manage special projects and community and organizational initiatives. The Office supports and initiates city-wide efforts to improve program and operational effectiveness and efficiency, conducts studies for organizational improvement and innovation, analyzes proposed and adopted policy, leads the budget development process, and manages special projects. Regular programs include:

City Council Goals
The City Council adopts goals and objectives every year and establishes guidelines for their achievement.

Budget Management
The City Manager prepares and submits the annual City Budget for the coming fiscal year, administers the adopted budget, and keeps the Council apprised of the financial condition and needs of the city.

Redevelopment Agency
The City Manager also acts as the Executive Director of the Lake Oswego Redevelopment Agency (LORA) which manages two urban renewal areas in the city; East End (downtown), and Lake Grove.

Emergency Management
The City of Lake Oswego Emergency Management Program is responsible for planning, preparing, and providing for the prevention, mitigation and management of emergencies or disasters that present a threat to the lives and property of citizens of Lake Oswego.  This includes coordinating and facilitating emergency planning, preparedness, response, and recovery activities.