CAD Standards and Downloads

The City of Lake Oswego's CAD Standards and Guidelines Manual was updated in 2014. For use by engineering professionals designing public infrastructure, the manual covers integration of National CAD Standards into the City’s standards, brings in requirements for a defined coordinate system and datum, shows guidelines for file management through a detailed folder structure and provides a catalog of symbols, abbreviations, layers, borders, hatch patterns and line types.

Attached are resources intended for CAD users and consultants working on projects for the City of Lake Oswego. These include both a 2010 compatible AutoCAD format and a 2011 Civil 3D compatible format for the templates. The Template Civil 3D Styles are transferable to AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013. We have created these different support files and documentation to provide as much assistance as possible to the users.

When downloading the Sheet Sets, it is recommended to download the entire folder. This will ensure that when adding sheets, the necessary template is available as well as any support files. It is intended that these sheets be customized by the user for their specific project.

To download a file, right-click on a file name in the attachments section, select "Save Target As" and choose a location to save the file to.

We are no longer accepting work from earlier than AutoCAD 2010 or Civil 3D 2010 versions.