Adopted City Budget for the 2018-19 Fiscal Year

The 2018-19 Adopted City Budget is available online at the links below. The Budget in Brief includes the City Manager's Budget Message, citywide summary level information and graphs, department and major programs budgets, as well as the capital budget summary. For more budget detail, follow the Department and Program Budgets link.


 City Manager's Budget Message and Budget Process & Philosophy

 2018-19 City of Lake Oswego Budget in Brief

 City Overview

 Financial Trends and Property Taxes

 Budget Summaries

 Department and Program Budgets

 Capital Projects




The linked file below combines the online Adopted Budget pdf documents in one place, including the information in the Budget in Brief.  (It does not include the report of department detail by account number that is on the Department and Program Budgets webpage - link above.) 

2018-19 Adopted Online Budget Combined


The Lake Oswego Budget Committee meetings are online... visit the Budget Committee meetings.

Public Notices for Budget meetings


Related Links