A budget as defined by Oregon State Law, is a financial plan containing estimates of revenues and expenditures for a given period or purpose. Local governments in Oregon operate on a fiscal year that begins July 1 and ends the following June 30 or a 2-year biennium that ends on June 30.
Local budget law sets standard procedures for preparing and presenting budgets for most of Oregon's local governments. Citizen involvement in the budget process is encouraged and local budget law offers a way for local governments to outline programs and services in a manner that is informational to the public.
The budget is proposed by the City Manager, approved by the Budget Committee, and then adopted by the City Council. The City Council adopts a budget that is basically the financial plan for the City, which incorporates the 6-year Capital Improvement Plan.
The City Manager has responsibility for management of the overall City budget. Ongoing review and monitoring of revenues and expenditures is performed by the Finance Department and the appropriate operating departments.
The City has received the GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for every budget period that the City submitted an application FY2000 - FY2025. (The City did not apply for the award for FY10 and FY15).
The Lake Oswego Redevelopment Agency (LORA), prepares a separate budget document.
City Budgets
Adopted Biennial Budget for 2023-25
Adopted Biennial Budget for 2021-23
Adopted Biennial Budget for 2019-21
Budget Committee
Budget Award
Capital Improvement Plan
Lake Oswego Redevelopment Agency Budgets
Financial Dashboard
LOPEDIA of Services and Programs