Other Services & Fees
This section provides information regarding various services offered by the Finance Department within the City of Lake Oswego and corresponding fees.
Business License
Business licenses are required and restrictions are imposed by the Lake Oswego City Code. These were enacted to ensure the public's interest by regulating businesses to make sure they comply with applicable laws and ordinances, and conduct themselves in a manner that does not detract from the public health, safety, and welfare.
On July 16, Lake Oswego City Council enacted Ordinance 2815 (link is external). This ordinance allows short-term rentals (rentals of less than 31 days) on certain residential properties, subject to the City’s home occupation/home business licensing requirements
Special Event Information and Permits
To promote success and ensure safety at local events - such as parades, charity walks, festivals, block parties, etc. - the City often requires event organizers to complete a permit.
Dog License
Administrative Rules for the State of Oregon Health Division require all dogs six months of age and older to be immunized against rabies. To ensure all dogs are properly immunized, the City has a licensing program, which says “every person keeping a dog that has a set of permanent canine teeth or is six months old, whichever comes first, shall procure a license for the dog.”
Passport applications are available at City Hall or online and certified finance employees are available to accept the passport applications and forward them to the Regional Office of the United States Passport Agency. Prior to forwarding an application to the Passport Agency office, Finance employees will verify the applicant's identification, ensure that the application is complete, and collect the fee for the Passport regular book and/or the Passport Card.
Master Fees Schedule
The City annually updates the Master Fees and Charges booklet that serves as a consolidated document of all City fees, charges, and SDC methodologies, which is approved by Council.
Utility Billing and Payments
The Finance Department sends out utility bills monthly and collects payments for these utility services: water, sewer, stormwater, and street maintenance. It also administers two very easy ways to pay your utility bill - EasyPay and UtilityOnline.
Getting a Business License