Survey and Mapping Services
Surveying is the science of making precise measurements of the Earth's surface with the aid of complex optical and electronic instruments. It is of vital importance for exploration, preservation of natural resources, and land development within Lake Oswego.
Monument benchmarks have been mapped through a network of precise vertical control surveying throughout the City. Refer to the link for the Benchmark Map and Index.
Selecting a Professional Land Surveyor
The City of Lake Oswego does not survey privately owned property. Please see A Guide to Selecting an Oregon Land Surveyor or Frequently Asked Questions for information about hiring a land surveyor.
GIS Mapping
The Geographic Information System (GIS) provides the City with a valuable tool for information analysis, automated mapping, and data storage. The GIS can perform numerous analytical operations to support decision-making processes as well as create, edit, and display maps. It utilizes an integrated system of computer hardware and software designed to efficiently manage data related to positions on the Earth's surface. This capability assists decision-makers as they allocate resources, evaluate alternatives and costs, and provide improved customer service to residents of the City.
The core of the GIS is the layered mapping, with the ability to turn on and off layers of information such as lot lines, zoning boundaries, fire hydrants, water lines, and pathways. Many of these items are linked to databases, aerial photography, scanned photographs, and planning documents, which gives the user access to a wealth of information about these mapped features right at his or her computer.
The GIS is useful to answer questions such as:
Where is something? (Where is Sunwood Court?)
What exists here? (What is the zoning at this location?)
What is the relation between location A and B? (What is the distance between the library and the Adult Community Center?)
What if? (What will be the effect on drainage if we widen this road?)
What has changed since? (What was the condition of this tree grove before this development?)
Show me _____ (the properties within 200 feet of McVey Avenue that are zoned commercial).
Maps are available for purchase at City Hall. Maps can also be custom-made to fit your particular need. A number of printable and interactive maps are also available at the Map Center.
Welcome to the City of Lake Oswego’s Interactive Map site! Use this application to find an address, obtain parcel information, view zoning and other planning data, transportation, utility, aerial photography and many other layers of information.
Tom Workman
Chief Surveyor
Jeff Harmon
GIS Manager
Benchmark Map and Index
Clackamas County Survey Records
Multnomah County Survey Records
National Geodetic Survey Benchmark Retrieval
Professional Land Surveyors in Oregon
A Guide to Selecting an Oregon Land Surveyor
Hiring a Land Surveyor - FAQs