Lanewood Street/Douglas Circle Pathway
In 2022, the City started design and public outreach on several new pathways, including a pathway on Lanewood Street/Douglas Circle, between Boones Way and Twin Fir Road. To view background information and past meetings, visit the 2023 Pathways Project webpage.
Project Updates
January 2025:
Construction is now complete for the new Lakewood/Douglas Circle sidewalk. The new sidewalk is 1,650 linear feet!
Thank you to residents and the local community for your patience throughout construction. We hope you will enjoy the new sidewalk!
December 2024:
One final remaining segment of the new sidewalk will be completed the week of December 16. This should complete all work on the project!
November 4, 2024:
Construction is mostly complete. Restoration work is taking place, including reinstalling some mailboxes, planting some replacement trees and completing some grading repairs. All work is expected to be complete this month.
October 8, 2024:
The paving contractor is scheduled for Wednesday, October 16. It will take a day to prepare the road and then they will freshly pave the existing gaps between the concrete curb/gutter and the asphalt.
Thank you for your patience during construction!
September 26, 2024:
Crews have made good progress on the new sidewalk. All sidewalk has been poured and driveway aprons are complete on Lanewood Street. Most of the sidewalk has been poured on Douglas Circle, along with the majority of driveways. Crews are progressing towards the end of Douglas Circle at Twin Fir.
Cones and traffic control devices remain along the edge of the sidewalk until final paving can be completed abutting the new sidewalk.
The contractor has scheduled pavers for mid-October.
September 5, 2024:
Construction is progressing on the new sidewalk with crews forming and pouring concrete along Lanewood Street. Some driveway aprons have also been formed and poured. Crews will continue progressing over the coming weeks, making their way towards Douglas Circle.
August 8, 2024:
Construction has started on the new sidewalk along Lanewood Street, with excavation and preparation for curb and sidewalk. Some trees have been removed, but a few more remain.
On Monday, August 12, some road closures will be in place within the project limits for tree removal. Lanewood Street will be closed to through traffic between Boones Way and Douglas Circle, and then Douglas Circle will be closed to through traffic between Lanewood Street and Twin Fir. A large crane will be on site. Work hours are 7 am - 6 pm. Local access will be maintained for residents within the closure.
On Monday, August 12 through Friday, August 16, crews will be working on a storm line on Lanewood Street near Murwood Court. Lanewood will be closed to through traffic between Boones Way and Douglas Circle. Local access will be maintained for residents within the closure.
July 22, 2024: Construction Starting the Week of August 5
Construction is expected to start the week of August 5.
Preliminary work will include crews mobilizing equipment and materials to site, installing tree protection and erosion control fencing, and tree removal of those trees permitted to be removed.
Lane closures will be in place and equipment will be stored in the public right-of-way.
Plan for extra travel time around active work zones.
July 9, 2024:
Construction is now expected to start in early August for the Lanewood/Douglas Circle pathway and continue through fall. More information on exact start date will be provided soon.
What to expect during construction:
- Work hours are 7 a.m. – 6 p.m., Monday to Friday. Some Saturday work may also take place during the hours of 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
- Expect lane closures during work hours with traffic shifted. Flaggers may direct traffic.
- Access will remain open to residents, school, emergency services, mail, and garbage collection.
- During work hours, expect brief delays, dust, vibration, and noise from activities and equipment.
- Underground utilities will be marked on the street and in the right-of-way with paint. Wooden stakes may also be placed in some areas within the project area.
- Some trees that have been permitted for removal will be removed at the beginning of the work.
- Steel plates may be placed, and equipment will be stored on the street or in the right-of-way.
- On-street parking may be restricted at times in the work zone.
- The project team will coordinate any driveway reconstruction or mailbox relocations with impacted residents in advance.
June 2024:
Designs are now complete for the new sidewalk along Lanewood Street and Douglas Circle! Construction is expected to start sometime in July. More information will be provided once a contractor is hired later this month.
March 2024:
The project team has been working with residents over the last few months to finalize aspects of the design of the new sidewalk on Lanewood Street and Douglas Circle. The new sidewalk will be installed on the south side of Lanewood Street and Douglas Circle. Construction is expected to take place this summer!
Here is a link to the 90% design plans for Lanewood/Douglas.
Tree Removal Application
Unfortunately, to accommodate the new sidewalk, some trees need to be removed. A total of 10 trees have been identified for removal as a result of the final design. These are shown with red crosses in the 90% design plans above.
In the coming weeks, the project team will apply for a Type II Tree Removal Application for 10 trees located within the project limits. These trees will be flagged with yellow ribbon.
The project team will be preparing a comprehensive Tree Protection Plan for all remaining trees that spells out what protective measures will need to be taken when the project is under construction. Measures include a contractor tree protection meeting, tree protection fencing and signage, and identifying specific trees that will require monitoring by a certified arborist when work is occurring within critical root zones.
Once the tree removal application is finalized, signage will also be posted along the corridor and a link to the application will be posted on the project webpage and the Planning Department’s website.
December 2023:
The project team is working to advance designs and is connecting with residents to finalize aspects of the design over the coming months.
November 1, 2023:
Designs are being developed for the Lanewood/Douglas Circle pathway. Construction is expected to take place in 2024.
August 2023:
Due to timing constraints, final design for the Lanewood/Douglas pathway has been rescheduled until late 2023/early 2024.
Heike Shipton, Senior Associate Engineer
90% Design Plans for Lanewood/Douglas