Comprehensive Plan
Note: The City is in the process of reformatting the Comprehensive Plan to include amendments that were adopted since the Plan was last updated and adopted on March 18, 2014.
Update: December 6, 2016
The City adopted Ordinance 2725 (LU 16-0025), amending the Connected Community Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan, the Community Development Code, and the Transportation System Plan to ensure consistency.
Update: May 12, 2016
The City adopted Ordinance 2687 (LU 15-0019), a new Comprehensive Plan chapter titled Healthy Ecosystems, which replaced the 1994 Plan provisions under Goal 5 (Open Spaces, Scenic and Natural Resources), Goal 6 (Air Resources Quality), and Goal 15 (Willamette River Greenway). This new chapter became effective on January 14, 2016 (See Supporting Document for Ordinance 2687 below).
The City also replaced its Sensitive Lands regulations and adopted code incentives for habitat protection and enhancement, consistent with the new Healthy Ecosystems chapter. This work implements the City Council goal to “Adopt changes to the Development Code implementing the reform of regulations on ‘sensitive lands.’” (The Sensitive Lands code changes affect LOC 50.05.010; LOC; and other Sensitive Lands code cross-references.)
Land use planning involves the consideration and balancing of many different factors and issues to make the best decision for the community both for the short and long term. The goals, policies and action measures of Lake Oswego's Comprehensive Plan are intended to guide the community in making these decisions. The Plan is intended for use by all those who participate in the City's land use planning process, including local officials, persons with development interests, state, regional and federal agencies, neighborhood and community groups, and citizens representing all interests.
The Plan is mandated by the state to be in conformance with 15 Oregon Statewide Planning Goals. It is the controlling document for land use within the city. Major developments and the City's land development regulations, including the Community Development Code, must be consistent with the Plan goals and policies.
On March 18, 2014 the City Council enacted Ordinance 2640, which adopted the 2013 Comprehensive Plan Volume I and Volume II Neighborhood Plans & Special Districts. The updated Comprehensive Plan was a three year process and addressed State Periodic Review requirements.
Official copies of the 2013 Comprehensive Plan Volume I can be purchased for $56.00 plus postage. If you would like to obtain a copy you can contact the Planning and Building Services Department directly at (503) 635-0290 or E-mail the department at:
Official Comprehensive Plan Map - Interactive
Healthy Ecosystems Chapter, Ordinance 2687
Transportation System Plan
LU 15-0019: Natural Resources Program and Sensitive Lands Revisions