Development Review Division

The Current Planning Division is the source of public information on zoning and other land use development regulations in the City.  The Development Review Division reviews all development applications, including ministerial, minor, and major development. These include multi-family projects, subdivisions, planned developments, new office/retail buildings, and change of use applications. The division is also responsible for:

  • Preparing and presenting staff reports and recommendations to the decision making bodies, including the Development Review Commission, Planning Commission, and City Council on a variety of proposals
  • Reviewing various permit applications such as tree cutting applications, sign permits, and home occupation permits
  • Providing assistance to the general public and developers on zoning and development related concerns
  • Providing code enforcement to assure compliance with the City's codes and regulations, including the sign ordinance, tree cutting ordinance, and Community Development Code
  • Assisting in the revision and update of the Community Development Code  in order to respond to new and mandated state laws and regulations, and issues identified by citizens and City Council

To search through current Land Use Cases

To search through Online Neighborhood Meetings for Land Use Applications