Reports and Data
National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS)
The National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) is a nation-wide analytical standard developed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to collect and compile data on criminal offenses. NIBRS information is gathered from Lake Oswego Police Officer reports by the Lake Oswego Police Department’s records management system and reported on a monthly basis. The statistics displayed in this section represent NIBRS data reported by the Lake Oswego Police Department. The data in this report is shown on a rolling 12 month time period, year-to-date, and the previous year-to-date. The percentage change shown compares the two year-to-date timeframes.
Monthly Data
Oregon STOP Report
House Bill 2355 (2017) mandates all Oregon law enforcement agencies to submit data regarding officer-initiated traffic and pedestrian stops to the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission, so the Commission can analyze the submitted data for evidence of racial or ethnic disparities on an annual basis. The Oregon Statistical Transparency of Policing (STOP) Program, housed at the Commission, was created along with the Oregon State Police and the Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training (DPSST). This is the fourth annual report to the Oregon Legislature by the STOP Program examining data received pursuant to HB 2355. This is the first STOP report to include two years of data from all Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 agencies.
To examine the traffic and pedestrian stop data acquired by the STOP Program for racial/ethnic disparities, STOP Program researchers utilized three methods. The first method, which is used to examine the initial decision to stop an individual, was the Decision to Stop analysis. The second analytical method employed by the STOP Program is the Stop Outcomes analysis. Finally, the STOP Program utilized the Search Findings analysis, which compares relative rates of successful searches (i.e., those resulting in the seizure of contraband) across racial/ethnic groups.
To determine if disparities identified in this report warrant additional in-depth analysis and/or technical assistance from the DPSST, STOP Program researchers reviewed the results of each of the three analyses conducted on the STOP Program data. For each individual analysis, an estimated disparity must meet the 95 percent confidence level for it to be statistically significant. Further, following best practices, for a law enforcement agency to be identified as one requiring further analysis as well as DPSST technical assistance, it must be identified as having a statistically significant disparity in at least two of the three analytical tests performed on the STOP data. The Lake Oswego Police Department was not identified as having a statistically significant disparity in any tests performed on the STOP data this year.
Annual STOP Reports
Annual Report
Each year, the Lake Oswego Police Department presents its annual report to the City Council to report on the activities of the department over the last year. Our goal is to make the department’s activities more transparent and build trust with the community. The presentation discusses staffing at the agency and covers the number and types of incidents and calls for service LOPD officers respond to, the number and types of traffic violations cited, elements of the Oregon STOP report discussing who was stopped, the department’s Behavioral Health Specialist, Use of Force, and officer complaints.
2023 Annual Report Presentation
You can watch the recorded April 2, 2024, Council meeting with the presentation on YouTube here (the presentation begins at the 4:18:50 mark): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eq7spWoYfzM
2022 Annual Report Presentation
You can watch the recorded June 27, 2023, Council meeting with the presentation on YouTube here (the presentation begins at the 2:55 mark): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVnTvoLiNLs
2021 Annual Report Presentation
The first link below will open the entire presentation, while the rest will open just those individual sections of the presentation:
- Entire presentation
- Behavioral Health Unit
- Citations
- Officer complaints
- Police Department information and incidents
- Oregon STOP report
- Use of force
November 1, 2022, Council Update
On November 1, 2022, Chief Burke and Captain Simon updated the City Council on our progress toward the recommendations from the Community Conversation On Policing (CCOP). For the presentation to have context, it is important to understand what led up to this point. We engaged in a community dialog that sought to identify opportunities to strengthen how our police department collaborates with all persons in our community to provide public safety. Utilizing a team of outside facilitators our department, City, and community sought to review our public safety systems, structures, policies, and practices in order to increase transparency, build public trust and strengthen and build relationships, especially with those who have historically been marginalized.
Out of this dialog came 4 themes. Theme one was about communication and reporting: we learned there was a disconnect between community perceptions and current day-to-day policing practices. In other words, not enough info about who we are and what we did was being shared. Theme two was about engagement: Centered around the community and LOPD staff's desire to get to know each other in various ways. Theme three centered around the review and development of the training around bias and gender to help staff build awareness and understanding of how each influences interactions. Theme four examined outreach and was intentionally centered around experiences of interacting and working for the LOPD with an additional focus on how community biases influence those interactions. The themes pointed to approximately 26 different action items for the department. This presentation discusses the actions taken on the recommendations by our team. You can watch the recorded Council meeting with the presentation on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/MOaeSJ_2m2s