Special Events
The Lake Run, the Festival of the Arts, the Star Spangled Parade and 4th of July road closures, Homecoming Parades, Farmer’s Market, Hop at the Hunt, Summer Concert Series, Lighting of the Holiday Tree and the world famous Pet Parade – these are just a few of the many special events the City hosts throughout the year and the Lake Oswego Police Department responds to. A Special Event Permit is required anytime you want to impact a roadway, public right-of-way or want the Police Department’s assistance. While heavily involved in road closures, the Department also wants to have a presence where large groups may gather for safety and security reasons. Special Event Permits can be obtained through the Lake Oswego Parks and Recreation Department.
Upcoming Events:
- Visit the City's Event Page for the most current events
Safety Tip -- What steps can I take to not lose my child in a crowd?
That’s a great question. At almost every large event we have in the city, we find lost parents. The children are not lost because we usually have them before the parents know they are missing. It’s the parents that are lost because neither we nor the child can find you. So in order to minimize the lost parent issues we have each year, here are a couple of precautions you can take.
If part of your summertime adventures include taking your child to an outdoor event, carnival, movie, festival, or farmer’s market this year, we recommend writing your phone number on their wrist and cover it with a liquid band aid in case you get separated. Something like, “If lost please call…” The liquid band aid will keep the ink from being wiped off or sweating off in the heat.
If you don’t want to write on your child’s wrist or arm, put a card in their pocket with your contact information, name, phone number, address, etc. Explain the purpose of the card to the child and who they should share that information with.
We also recommend that you take a photo of your child or children using your cell phone the morning of the event so you have their clothing, hair style, shoes and an up-to-date photo in the event something does happen. I can’t tell you how many times lost parents completely forget what their children are wearing, or in the stress of missing their child, can’t remember what they wore that day. Make a plan ahead of time of where to meet in the event you get separated. The fountain in the roundabout at Millennium Park is a great example of a place to meet in case you and your child get separated. The fountain is large enough to be seen at a distance by the shorter ones. Remember children are curious; what is old and boring to an adult is a brand new shiny something that they want to see and touch. Children move fast and it is imperative to keep an eye on them at all times. When moving through crowds hold your child’s hand and communicate where you going and what you’re doing. It will keep them engaged and focused on you, not the shiny things.
If you have a specific request or see a violation occur, the Lake Oswego Police Department encourages all citizens to contact the non-emergency line at (503) 635-0238 and an officer will be dispatched as soon as available.