Stormwater Manual
The 2020 Stormwater Management Manual (SWMM) provides guidance on the siting, design, and maintenance of structures used to manage stormwater from impervious surfaces in the City. The manual applies to stormwater management design for public and private development and redevelopment within the City of Lake Oswego.
As part of the final erosion and sediment control inspection, documentation is required from private developers attesting to the stormwater facility’s adherence to the SWMM and an operations and maintenance plan recorded at the County. Other documentation required of private developers when the facility is an underground injection control is a copy of the DEQ approval of the facility.
- 2020 Lake Oswego Stormwater Management Manual
- 2020 Lake Oswego Stormwater Management Manual Appendices
The 2016 SWMM and 2016 Appendices apply only to projects submitted prior to October 1, 2020.

New Stormwater Standard Details