Land Use Case File
LU 05-0077
Hearing Body
Administrative - No hearing required
Hearing Date

Edward Wagner (O)

Planning Resources (A)

Location of Property

5333 Washington Court

Tax Map(s)/Lot(s)
21E07DC / Tax Lots 8400, 8602 & 8600

The Applicant is requesting the following:

        1.     A lot line adjustment, between Tax Lots 8400 and 8602.

                a.     Tax Lot 8400 is 19,500 square feet  before the lot line adjustment,
                        and will be 13,486 square feet after the adjustment.

                b.     Tax Lot 8602 is 18,943 before the lot line adjustment, and will
                         be 12,979 after the adjustment.

         2.     A modification to an earlier approved minor partition (LU04-0016), that
                 created Tax Lots 8600 and 8602 to relocate the previously approved

                 access easement from the west side to the east side of the site to        
                 allow access Tax Lots 8400 and 8602.

3.    Allow the front yard on Tax Lot 8602 to face the south property line
       instead of the west property line.

          4.    Removal of two trees as a part of this application.  

Notice of Decision
Staff Report Pt. 1
Staff Report Pt. 2
Staff Report Pt. 3