Business Requirements
The City is implementing a new program which includes inspecting commercial and industrial properties/businesses to help prevent pollutant discharges into our local rivers and streams.
Washing docks (or wharves, piers, floats, and boat ramps) can result in the discharge of dirt, bird feces, soaps, and detergents that can be toxic to aquatic life. Dock cleaning and repair during the regularly scheduled lake drawdown is preferred to preserve Lake Oswego’s water quality.
Catch basins are used to pre-treat storm and surface water in parking lots prior to discharging to our streams. Cleaning your catch basin can help reduce localized flooding and helps protect our local waterways.
EcoBiz certifies Eco-Friendly auto repair and body shops, landscapers, and car washes in Oregon to help communities protect stormwater systems and waterways.
Did you know, mobile car washing is subject to the same code requirements as stationary car washing? Permanent, stationary car washes are required by Lake Oswego City Code to connect and discharge their wastewater to the public sewer system.
Many storm drains flow directly to a river or stream. Chemicals, soaps, and other pollutants in wash water can harm fish and other aquatic life. It is against the law to allow anything other than rain water to enter the stormwater system. Learn about stormwater regulations for mobile carpet cleaners.