EcoHome LO Program
Join the EcoHome LO program to adopt more sustainable practices at home and get recognized!
EcoHome LO is a new residential sustainability certification program administered by the City of Lake Oswego. The program is free to join and open to all who live in Lake Oswego, including renters. To attain EcoHome certification, participants select and complete items from a checklist of eco-friendly actions, ranging from installing LED bulbs to volunteering with community organizations. Upon certification, participants receive a free EcoHome lawn sign or window decal to recognize their progress.
Whatever your living situation, availability level, and degree of experience with sustainability, the program provides a broad range of tools and resources to help you grow. If your household is interested in adopting more sustainable practices at home and in your daily life that can help you save money, protect the environment, and support a thriving community in LO, visit www.ci.oswego.or.us/ecohomelo/ to learn more.