Selecting Mitigation (Replanting) Trees
For more detailed information, please see the City’s Tree Mitigation Handout.
When is Mitigation (replanting) Required?
Mitigation is required for all Type II applications.
Mitigation for invasive tree species removal is required when:
a. The removal is from a public right-of-way;
b. The removal is from an RP or RC district, or HBA protection area; or
c. The tree was planted as part of a previously approved mitigation plan or landscaping.
What are the Minimum Mitigation Requirements?
The applicant shall plant either a minimum 1.5-in. caliper deciduous tree or a 6-foot-tall evergreen tree on the site for each tree removed. Except that:
Removal of a tree identified as a significant tree for development purposes shall require two minimum 1.5-in. caliper deciduous trees (measured six inches above the root ball) or a minimum of two 6-foot-tall evergreen trees for each tree removed.
If tree removal is for the landscaping purpose of thinning to improve the health of other trees, mitigation shall be reduced to the extent there is insufficient space to replant elsewhere on the site and maintain tree health.
Mitigation for the removal of a native tree shall be with a native species selected from the Native Tree Mitigation List for Type II Tree Removal. If a mitigation tree is proposed to be located in a sensitive lands area, the species must be chosen from the native trees list in the Master Plant List (LOC 50.11.004 Appendix D).
Please contact the Planning Department at (503) 635-0290 or with any questions about mitigation requirements.
How do I Choose Mitigation Trees?
Unless a specific species of mitigation tree is required as a condition of approval of a tree permit, it is up to the applicant to choose what species of trees to replant.
Selecting a tree that is appropriate for the size of the growing space and the existing conditions on a property is important to the long-term viability of the tree and to the protection of structures, utilities, and other site improvements from damage. The City’s “Right Tree in the Right Place” guide booklet is a good resource on how to select the right tree and where to plant, and provides a list of recommended species based on the size of the planting space.
Are there Other Options or Alternatives to Mitigation?
Planting Off-Site
If in the City’s determination there is insufficient available space on the subject property, the required mitigation may be planted on other property in the applicant’s ownership or control within the City, or in an open space tract that is part of the same subdivision. Such mitigation planting is subject to the approval of the authorized property owners. The City may specify the species and size of the tree.
Payment in Lieu of Planting
If in the City’s determination no feasible alternative exists to plant the required mitigation, the applicant shall pay into the tree fund an amount as established by resolution of the City Council.