ADA Annual Progress Reports


In an effort to enhance accessibility for all community members, on December 20, 2022, the Lake Oswego City Council adopted and approved the City’s inaugural Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan. The plan encompasses four key components:

  • Reviewing all City programs, services, and policies;
  • Evaluating the accessibility of City facilities, including buildings, parks, and parking lots;
  • Assessing facilities in the public right-of-way; and
  • Developing a strategic plan and tools for implementing recommended changes to City facilities and practices.

The ADA Transition Plan serves as a roadmap for ensuring that the City’s buildings, parks, programs, and public spaces are accessible to everyone.


The purpose of the ADA Annual Progress Report is twofold:

  • to highlight the City's efforts in implementing the ADA Transition Plan across all departments, and
  • to document innovative programs, notable accessibility projects, and outreach initiatives undertaken between January 1 and December 31 of each year aimed at accommodating individuals with disabilities.

2023 Report and Highlights

In 2023, the City’s ADA Coordinator:

  • Received more than 65 inquiries.
  • Received two formal grievances.
  • Processed eleven requests for reasonable accommodations.
  • Formed an All Ability Employee Resource Group (AAERG) with the goal of fostering a welcoming and inclusive workplace for employees with disabilities and invisible illnesses at the City.
  • Facilitated multiple training sessions for staff on ADA compliance and accessibility best practices.
  • Collaborated with all departments across the City to ensure compliance with ADA regulations.
  • Actively participated in public outreach and community engagement initiatives.

Departments across the City also made significant progress. Below is a link to the report:
