2025 City Council Goals

Ensure a safe, secure, and prepared community 

Council Initiatives

  • Continue efforts to increase preparedness of Lake Oswego residents, especially seniors and people with disabilities, in event of a disaster.*
  • Redefine the 50+ Advisory Board as the Community Health and Resiliency Advisory Board.

Support business investment and job creation in Lake Oswego

Council Initiatives 

  • Continue to partner with Urban Development + Partners on the North Anchor redevelopment.* 
  • Begin the update of the Foothills District Plan and continue to evaluate the Lake Grove Urban Renewal Plan.*
  • Elevate and update the 2022 Economic and Development Strategy and Resource Plan, including the pilot program with the Chamber of Commerce.*
  • Collaborate with the Chamber of Commerce and other community partners to promote Lake Oswego as a destination for visiting, shopping, dining, and enjoying the arts and events.

Attract and support a diverse population where all people have civic agency, the opportunity to thrive and have equitable access to City Services

Council Initiatives

  • Prepare a status report on the recommendations identified in the 2020 DEI Task Force Recommendations Report, specifically what recommendations were achieved, are still in progress, and are beyond our capacity to complete.  Recommend a process to update the strategy.


Combat climate change and strengthen the community’s resilience to climate impacts

Council Initiatives

  • Adopt a sustainable buildings policy to set standards for the design, construction, and operation of City buildings that align with the Sustainability and Climate Action Plan.
  • Implement action items in the 2024 Urban and Community Forest Plan (UCFP), including an update to the City tree regulations.*
  • Develop an operational plan, potential code options and communications strategy to phase out use of gas-powered yard and lawn care equipment in Lake Oswego after the City of Portland's ban goes into effect.  This project should have a two-year time frame. 


Strengthen public trust in the City through continuous improvement, outstanding customer service, infrastructure investments, and fiscal stewardship

Council Initiatives

  • Collaborate with the City of Portland to make a financially and environmentally responsible long-term investment in a wastewater treatment plant.*
  • Develop a strategy for an all-ages and all-activities community center, preferably on the west side of town, that would include event and meeting spaces, public services, and may include library services.  Collaborate with LOSD and other stakeholders as part of this project.*
  • Conclude the South Shore Fire Station needs assessment and launch a community engagement process.*
  • Adopt and implement a City communications plan to increase informed participation in City decisions, programs, and activities.


Invest in Lake Oswego’s high-quality parks, natural areas, and recreational amenities

Council Initiatives

  • Adoopt and implement Parks Plan 2040.* 


Improve transportation connections, mobility and safety for all travelers and all types of trips in Lake Oswego

Council Initiatives

  • Continue construction of sidewalks and pathways, focusing on safe routes to schools.* 
  • Adopt the "20 is plenty" speed program for residential/local streets.*


Plan for change and growth, with a focus on enhancing the community's quality of life and sense of place

Council Initiatives

  • Begin a comprehensive review of the Development Code to identify barriers to housing production and economic development and implement code amendments to address these barriers.
  • Begin implementation of the near-term strategies in the Housing Production Strategy Report, including rezoning commercial and mixed-use properties, evaluating a low-income rental tax exemption program, and amending the Comprehensive Plan to adopt a fair housing policy. 

​*an asterisk indicates Council initiatives continuing from last year