City Council Meetings
City Council Meetings
The City Council meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month at 5:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. respectively in the Council Chamber on the 3rd Floor of City Hall at 380 A Avenue, Lake Oswego. Special meetings are held on an as-needed basis typically on the 2nd or 4th Tuesdays at 3:00 p.m., but are subject to change at the Council's discretion. Check the City Meeting Calendar for the most up to date information.
Meeting agendas and packet materials are posted on the website the Wednesday prior to the meeting. If you would like to receive posting notifications by e-mail, sign up by going to, and select the City Council box.
The Council Chamber is accessible to persons with disabilities. To request ADA accommodations, click here or call 503-635-0282, at least 4 business days prior to the scheduled event.
Speaking at Meetings
The Lake Oswego City Council sets aside time at each regular meeting to hear from the community. If you'd like an opportunity to speak, complete a Public Comment card on the table inside the chamber and give it to the City Recorder prior to the start of the meeting. Topics do not need to be related to a specific agenda item. In the event that the meeting is virtual, please consult the meeting agenda for participation instructions.
During the Public Comment period the Mayor will call your name to come forward to the presentation table. Remember to speak clearly into the microphone and after stating your name, you will have three minutes to provide information or raise an issue to the Council regarding items not on the agenda or items that do not include a Public Hearing. No multi-media presentations are allowed during public comment. Please use the time to speak to the Mayor and Councilors.
The City Council regularly conducts Public Hearings. The Public Hearings are noticed in advance, and those who wish to testify in person must complete a blue Request to Provide Public Testimony card and submit to the City Recorder. The Mayor will call your name following the staff presentation to come forward to the presentation table to testify within the time limits observed.
For In Person instructions for speaking at the meeting, click HERE
For Electronic instructions for speaking at the meeting, click HERE
Watch Meetings Online and on Cable TV
Meetings can be watched live, or later at your convenience, by visiting the City's website. When the meeting is live, click the green button at the top of the page. After the meeting, scroll down to archived events to play the video.
Tualatin Valley Community Television (TVCTV) streams the meetings and airs replays. Check their website for channel and schedule information.
Written Grievances Alleging Public Meetings Law Violation
Written grievances alleging a Public Meetings Law violation shall be submitted to the City Recorder. Written grievances shall be submitted electronically to, by mail to P.O. Box 369, Lake Oswego OR 97034, ATTN: City Recorder, or in-person at City Hall (380 A Avenue), Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm. OAR 199-050-0070(3)
2025 Council Liaison and Committee Assignments
Celebrate Diversity
Council Meeting Records
City Records Repository
How to Request an Accommodation
Request an ADA Accommodation