Fire Prevention
The Office of the Fire Marshal is responsible for coordinating all Fire Prevention and Community Safety programs and activities. These activities comprise the many non-emergency services that the department provides to the citizens of the City and the three contract districts. In addition to fire code enforcement activities, the department has expanded its education and prevention goals of teaching people how to prevent fire and how to take proper actions in case of fire, to include teaching people to prevent many different types of accidents, CPR, emergency first aid, disaster preparedness and other life safety education opportunities and services.
Programs managed by our prevention team include some of the following:
For new construction related to fire and life safety check the links below. If you cannot find what you are looking for, contact us.
Last year 3,225 people died in residential fires in the United States and 14,175 were injured. Affordable technology has been available to fix this problem since the 1970s, but little has been done to implement it, yet these “statistics” repeat year after year.
What is CERT?
The CERT training program was developed following the Mexico City earthquake in 1985. During that earthquake, firefighters from the Los Angeles Fire Department noticed that first responder resources were not available due to the overwhelming amount of devastation. This resulted in area residents stepping in to help the victims. Unfortunately, these would be rescuers lacked training which resulted in additional injuries and fatalities.
Fire Extinguishers are only valuable if they are used properly. The Lake Oswego Fire Department provides a free fire extinguisher training program for businesses and groups inside the fire response district.