Request a Record

If you are requesting a medical record please use the link below "Medical Release Form".

For all other records please see the LOFD Public Records Request

You may also contact us at 503-635-0275.

Here is the link to pay for your records with a credit  card.

The fees for records requests are:

Reports/Records Research

$25 for reports up to 10 pages. Each additional page over 10 is $0.25 per page.

$25.00 per 15 minutes for additional research time past first 15 minutes charged to the nearest quarter hour.

Copy Fee (General Service Documents 8.5 x 11, 8.5 x 14, 11 x 17)

$0.25 per page

Copy Fee (Oversized Documents/Blue Prints)

$1 to $7 per page depending on map size plus $0.50 to $3.50 for overlays