Library Strategic Plan

July 2024 project update:

Library staff are making steady progress on our 2024-2026 Library Strategic Plan goals, guided by the community’s vision to improve Library access for all. 

Notable updates include:

  • Through strategic re-allocation of existing resources, the Library has created a full-time Outreach Services Lead position! Our new staff member brings passion and experience to help lead the further expansion and improvement of library outreach services, in collaboration with our staff team and community partners.
  • The Library has developed new site partnerships to expand mobile Rover services, notably with a new affordable housing community. 
  • The City hired CIDA to conduct a seismic evaluation and general facility condition assessment for the library.  The results were presented to Council during their May 21, 2024 meeting. High level findings included:
    • The Library facility would require significant renovations for the structure to meet seismic performance expectations.
    • The building and site have significant ADA deficiencies.
    • The building shows many signs of degradation to the roof and building envelope (elevated wood structures, siding, windows).
    • The cost estimate for this work, roughly $10 million, would only address the seismic, water intrusion, ADA and other building maintenance and upgrades identified in CIDA’s 2024 report, allowing the city to maintain the existing library at its current size and service capacity.
    • The scope for this cost estimate would not renovate the overall square footage of the library or add any new spaces or amenities.
  • Library staff presented during the City Council Joint Meeting with the Lake Oswego School Board on May 7, 2024 regarding the breadth of library events and classes offered to residents, their value to the community, and the need for event and meeting room space to accommodate high attendance from all age groups.
  • The Library published an insert in the May HelloLO to promote our Summer Library Challenge offerings for all ages, and to share what we learned and heard from residents regarding local needs for services, events, and public spaces that are designed to facilitate community gathering, learning and collaboration.
  • Library staff participated in a wide range of professional learning and development opportunities at the Oregon Library Association conference this spring, with a focus on improving library policies and removing access barriers.
  • In support of the 2024 City Council goal to “Develop a strategy for an all-ages and all-activities community center on the west side of town that would include event and meeting spaces, public services, and may include library services,” the City is exploring the possible option of a Community Center & Library project as a potential long-term solution to identified community needs.  

To stay up to date on City projects and news, subscribe to the City’s bimonthly e-newsletter, the LOdown.

January 2024 project update:

A community visioning process to determine the long-term needs of our Lake Oswego Public Library was completed in 2023.  The findings from the wide range of community input received through the visioning process, including a framework developed by the Council-appointed task force, deeply informed the development of a strategic plan for the Library for 2024-2026.  

The City Council reviewed and adopted the Library’s 2024-2026 Strategic Plan during the November 7, 2023 City Council meeting.   

Guided by the community’s vision to improve Library access for all, our top strategic priorities and goals for the Library are to:  

  • Serve People Beyond the Building:  for example, by expanding mobile Rover services, home delivery, digital access, and remote access options such as hold lockers or library vending machines
  • Create Space to Expand Services:  for example, planning to meet community needs for study and meeting rooms, improved spaces for youth in the library, and modern library services
  • Increase Awareness of the Library's Value: for example, by increasing promotion of the breadth and depth of library services and events, sharing impact stories and testimonials with the community, and enhancing library advocacy 
  • Support Staff Wellbeing and Growth:  for example, by providing learning and development opportunities, fostering an inclusive and innovative culture, and increasing diversity of staff and skills to improve customer service and access 

We look forward to sharing progress updates the community on our work toward these strategic plan goals.

To stay up-to-date on the Library announcements, services and events, subscribe to our bi-weekly Library e-newsletter.

August 2023 project update:

To support the Lake Oswego City Council’s goal to determine the long-term needs of the Lake Oswego Public Library, the City launched a Library Visioning Process.

Through the data collected, community feedback, and work of the Library Visioning Task Force, a framework was created. This framework defines the community values related to the Library, the desired roles and preferred future of the Library, and outlines desired attributes of a physical space to support that vision.

The framework will help the City with decisions related to expanding and investing in Library services, programs, and amenities in alignment with the community’s vision. The City Council reviewed the findings and recommendations during the July 18, 2023 City Council meeting.

As a part of this work, the City is exploring service models for enhancing access, program offerings, and service delivery. This work includes developing a strategic plan for the Library informed by the community visioning process. We look forward to sharing progress updates during winter 2023-24. 

To stay up-to-date on the Library announcements, programs, and events, subscribe to our bi-weekly Library e-newsletter.

May 2023 project update:

Thank you Lake Oswego for your fantastic support to shape the future of your library!

Through the visioning process from January to May we had interviews with over 100 key informants, 4 Task Force sessions, 4 focus groups, 5 community forums, 2,790 survey responses, and 184 additional comments. Thank you to everyone who participated!

Now through summer, we will be analyzing these results and presenting recommendations to City Council based on what we heard from you. Stay tuned!

The survey and idea wall are closed, but we are always open to hearing from you. Feel free to email with any ideas or questions!

Project Background / Summary: 


The Lake Oswego Public Library has embarked on a community visioning process to shape the future of the library for generations to come.

This work is in support of the Lake Oswego City Council goal to determine the long-term needs of the Lake Oswego Public Library, as well as 2021 Community Survey results in support of expanding library amenities, services, and facilities in the future.

The goals of the visioning process:

  • Create a shared community vision for the future of Lake Oswego Public Library
  • Understand residents' current and future needs for library services, facilities, and amenities
  • Determine the Library’s role to address community challenges and meet emerging needs

We seek input from everyone in the community to help ensure your library is serving your needs. 

We hope you will participate with us in what promises to be a rich, enlightening, community-building experience, one that sets a vision for serving our community for future generations.

Project Details
Project Contact: 

Melissa Kelly
Library Director
Lake Oswego Public Library
706 Fourth Street
Lake Oswego, OR 97034

Phone: 503-636-7628

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