Scholarship Program

The scholarship program is dependent upon donations from groups and individuals and a limited amount of funding is available. Many thanks to the generous online donations of class participants.

Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation Scholarship Program

Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation is committed to serving the needs of all Lake Oswego City residents. Through the Recreation Scholarship Program and a dedication to social equity, we are working toward removing barriers to participation and ensure that more Lake Oswego residents have access to programs, and recreational opportunities. If you cannot afford typical program fees, this program may help.

Households whose income falls below the Federal Free Meal Guidelines are eligible to receive a maximum $300 per person per fiscal year (July 1-June 30), and a maximum of $600 per fiscal year per family in activity fee waivers. Only those members listed on the application will be eligible for funds.

City of Lake Oswego and L.O. School District residents needing financial assistance. *Resident applicants may receive up to 50% of the cost of a program, not to exceed $100. A completed application must be submitted ten calendar days prior to the program start date for processing.

Applications may be found under Attachments (paper version) or Web Links (online version).

For more detailed information, please contact or call 503.675.2549.

To make a donation to the scholarship fund, please go to and click on the Donations tab to help support and give back to our community.

Thank you!


Related Links Attachments