News & Announcements
The City is implementing a new program which includes inspecting commercial and industrial properties/businesses to help prevent pollutant discharges into our local rivers and streams.
The City is committed to maintaining water quality through multiple programs required by Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ).
The City encourages residents to clear leaves and other debris from storm drains near their property. A quick sweep with a broom or rake will easily clear off a catch basin and keep our drainage systems flowing properly. Remember, never remove a storm drain cover or attempt to clean a drain located in a busy street.
Put leaves and other yard debris in your yard waste bins for easy removal and recycling. Do not put leaves onto the street.
Helpful stormwater information relevant to industrial and commercial properties
It is against the law to allow anything other than rain water to enter the stormwater drainage system.
Lake Oswego is committed to protecting the environment of the city and the surrounding area through its Stormwater Management Utility. In an effort to further protect our water sources, Erosion Control Permits are required for construction projects. Read on to learn more.
Key Documents and Reports
Forms, Permits, and Applications