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5 Tips for Safe Winter Travel
Travel might be on your agenda this winter, whether it’s skiing at Mt. Bachelor or heading to grandma’s house for the weekend. Arrive safely at your destination by following these recommendations:
- Before you go, visit www.TripCheck.com or call 5-1-1 for the latest in road conditions, weather forecast, chain requirements, and incident information.
- Let someone know your destination, your route, and when you expect to arrive. If your car gets stuck along the way, help can be sent along your predetermined route. Check in when you’ve reached your destination.
- Don’t use cruise control in wet, icy or snowy weather.
- Keep your car’s gas tank full for emergency use and to help prevent the fuel line from freezing.
- Put together a separate disaster supplies kit for the trunk of each car used by members of your household. If you should become stranded during a winter storm, these items will make you more comfortable until the storm passes. In addition to basic vehicle safety items - properly inflated spare tire, wheel wrench, jack, jumper cables, tool kit, flashlight and extra batteries, reflective triangle, signal flares, duct tape - you should always keep a first aid kit and emergency supplies. During winter, make sure your vehicle has items such as a windshield scraper and snow brush, salt, sand, shovel, tire chains, and warm clothing.