Natural Areas
In the City of Lake Oswego, there are 460+ acres of natural character parks. These often overlooked parks are vital to our community. They contribute to important habitat for plants and animals, water shed and stormwater management/health, as well as a place for the community to connect to nature.
When visiting your city parks and natural areas, please stay on trail, keep your dog on leash and pick up after them, and comply with other park rules.
There are many opportunities to volunteer in our natural areas!
Here are a few examples of our many natural parks:
Iron Mountain Park
Iron Mountain Park is located on a south-facing hillside, overlooking Iron Mountain Boulevard. The site of an old iron mining operation, the park contains a unique plant community and is home to a great variety of wildlife. The park contains 1.5 miles of moderately steep trails.
Springbrook Park
Springbrook Park offers great hiking and wildlife-viewing opportunities and can be accessed by many small neighborhood entrances. Located across Country Club Road from Lake Oswego High School, the park contains nearly 2 miles of relatively flat trails. Springbrook Creek flows through the park, then the Lake Grove neighborhood before heading to Iron Mountain Park and Oswego Lake. For a more detailed map of Springbrook Park, plus additional information about park history and membership, visit the Friends of Springbrook Park website.
Cooks Butte - Stevens Meadows
Part of the Boring Lava Field, Cooks Butte is an extinct volcano rising to 718 feet above the Stafford Basin. There are numerous small neighborhood entrances to the park with a main entrance and small parking area off of Atherton Road via the Stafford-Rosemont round-a-bout. Cooks Butte contains 2 miles of trails which are part of the larger Stafford Basin Pathway and Trail System. Stevens Meadows is an open area with a half-mile path that circles the site. This area is also accessed from the small parking area off of Atherton Road. The trails of both sites have moderate elevation gains.
Bryant Woods - Canal Acres - River Run
Bryant Woods Park is a wildlife-rich site containing a seasonal wetland/meadow, upland forested area, and a natural spring with an associated creek. Bordered by Oswego Canal, the park is accessible from the small parking area off of Childs Road and from the north via Centerwood Street. Canal Acres is a largely undeveloped natural area whose sole trail is accessible across the Bryant Woods parking area via Canal Road. River Run, which borders the Tualatin River, is the site of the historic mouth of Oswego Canal and is located at the end of River Run Road. These three natural areas offer great wildlife viewing and contain two miles of relatively flat trails. This collection of neighborhood parks is supported and maintained in part by funding through the Metro Nature in Neighborhoods capital grant, which works toward improving water and air quality, fish and wildlife habitats, and access to nature by all residents.
Hallinan Woods
Hallinan Woods is a 3.72 acre natural area to the north of Hallinan Elementary School featuring a natural creek and forested area. The main path through the park is a favorite route for walkers, bikers, as well as students and parents going to Hallinan Elementary. The natural area is accessed from the Hallinan Elementary school field near the Hamlock Street cul-de-sac and O'Brien Street.
Columbia Land Trust
Friends of Tryon Creek
Friends of Springbrook Park
Audubon Society of Portland