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Park Rental & Permit Information
Picnic shelters may be rented for use between April 1 and September 30, 2025. Online reservations will open February 3.
Foothills Park Pavilion, Millennium Plaza Pergola and Roehr Park Amphitheater can currently be used on a first come first serve bases.
The Special Event Application must be submitted at least 60 days before the event, or the application will not be accepted. The permit Fee is $210.
Commercial photography LO Parks Photo Pass permits are issued to ONE individual for the express purpose of Still Portrait Photography or Videography in any Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation park and open space.
Events can often impact traffic, whether for a large wedding with major street parking, film production, or a fun run. Permits for such events often need to be reviewed by the traffic staff in our engineering department before the event. Permits are requested for submission 45 days before the event.