Parks Division

The Lake Oswego Parks & Recreation maintenance staff are dedicated professionals caring for over 645 acres of Parks properties at over 36 sites. Parks provide maintenance for the City's developed parks, natural areas, and open spaces. In addition to park spaces, they also care for the Indoor Tennis Center, the Adult Community Center, Charles S Brown Water Sports Center, the Lake Oswego Swim Park, and Luscher Farm Park properties. 

Parks Division offices are located at 17601 Pilkington Road. Jeff Munro is the Deputy Director of the Parks Division.

Your Lake Oswego Parks Staff

Parks Staff possess a combined 215 years of experience in Lake Oswego alone and over 300 years of experience in the industry. Our ongoing training allows us to deal with and care for Parks properties with a "best management practices" discipline as our focus. Certifications presently held by staff include:

  • Irrigation specialist certification.
  • Certified arborist.
  • National Playground Safety Inspector certification.
  • Backflow specialist certification.
  • Park & Recreation Professional Certification.
  • Turf specialist certification.

Staff also maintain active memberships in several professional organizations to stay current with the park and golf maintenance field changes and actively participate in the Oregon Recreation & Parks Association. Ongoing maintenance programs, which include computer-controlled irrigation, weather stations, innovative control of invasive species, drought tolerant plantings, alternatives to pesticides, and use of "green" products and equipment, help ensure the department's quality of service while meeting the City's goals toward sustainability.

Keeping Lake Oswego's Parks, Fields, and Natural Areas Safe and Beautiful

The level of maintenance is dictated by several factors, including how the property is used; amenities onsite; the terrain of the property; its proximity to residential neighborhoods/structures; natural resources present at the property, including creeks, drainages, native vegetation, etc.; and the requirements of the city, county, state and federal governments.

Year-Round Maintenance

Maintenance levels vary according to season and facility and include planting, weeding, raking, pruning, and mowing; tree/shrub maintenance; weed control and integrated pest management; fertilization, irrigation operation, and repair; cleaning, repair, and maintenance of park amenities such as playground equipment, restrooms, and other structures; irrigation operation and repair; litter removal; and storm debris removal.

Athletic Fields Maintenance

The athletic field program provides maintenance for athletic field sites. Supporting care varies with the intensity of use at these sites and includes mowing, aeration, irrigation, fertilization, weed control, infield maintenance, backstop repair, goal maintenance, fence maintenance, top dressing, and turf repair. This is done, in part, to facilitate both City, school, and community-sponsored sports programs. This program also permits athletic field space for organized sports programs. For more on the permitting process, please visit the Lake Oswego Athletic Fields website.

Lake Oswego Public Municipal Golf Course - CLOSED FOR RENOVATION THROUGH 2024.

The Lake Oswego Public Municipal Golf Course is maintained year-round, with more intensive maintenance required from March through November. During the season, greens are mowed daily, green aprons every other day, tees three times weekly, and fairways twice a week. Rough trimming of the course and driving range is done weekly.

Parks Stewardship Opportunities

The City relies on volunteers to help keep maintain and protect our parks and natural areas. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered! If you would like to help, please see our Parks Stewardship Opportunities.

Report a Concern

To report any Parks concerns, please call 503 675-2549.

Lake Oswego Maintenance Center
17601 Pilkington Rd
Lake Oswego, OR 97035
Contact Information

Jeff Munro
Deputy Director

Parks Manager
