Vacation Information

This information will be maintained at our Dispatch Center to better enable us to deliver emergency services should it be needed during your absence. NOTE: The Lake Oswego Police Department will not provide security checks on your home. This data will be destroyed within seven (7) days after your stated return unless otherwise arranged.

Your complete name
Please provide the phone number of the location if there is one. If not, leave this field as it is.
Please list someone who can make decisions about your property in your absence.
Please provide a number where you can be reached in the event of an emergency.
Please list the license plate and description of the vehicles.
Please list anything that might make someone think that a crime has occurred if they saw it (eg. broken windows, torn or cut screens, etc.).
Please describe where the item is being left on (eg. upstairs family room at front of house).
Please list the approximate on/off times for each timer.
Please list the date you are leaving.
Please list the date you are returning home.
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