About the Public Affairs Department
The Public Affairs Department keeps the community informed about City issues and works on a variety of projects related to City Council Goals.
Our staff is dedicated to providing prompt service, professional treatment, and clear communication to meet your needs. The Public Affairs Department:
Creates timely, quality publications (such as the HelloLO and LO Down) to keep residents informed (about breaking news, significant projects, City Council actions, and upcoming community activities and events) and involved in decisions affecting them.
Provides "one stop shopping" for City information through the Public Information Office. No matter what service you need, information you seek, or concern you may have, the Public Information Office is here to help you or find someone who can. If you aren't sure who to talk to or where to go, this friendly office is a great place to start.
Prepares advertisements, brochures and flyers, graphics design, and photography
Plans meetings, forums and special events on a multitude of topics of interest to the community
Arranges for cable television coverage of public meetings and events
Answers concerns about neighborhood problems or city services
Located on the first floor of City Hall, the office is open on weekdays during regular business hours. Stop by and see what we can do for you.